T31 Sable wether

For Sale

Cuddly bottle-baby! Could make a great pack goat. $100

T29 Black/white sable doeling

For Sale

Dam is 2 x Grand Champion, 2 x Reserve Champion. Her paternal sister has a BIS win (120 shown) and was 2nd place Youth at 2024 Nationals, 9th place Open.
Very friendly! $400

T26 polled Black/white Sable doeling

For Sale

Potential 4*M. Her paternal sister has a BIS win (120 shown) and was 2nd place Youth at 2024 Nationals, 9th place Open. Her maternal sister was the Premier Youth Junior Sable Doe at 2023 Nationals. Only selling because this is a repeat breeding and we have her full sister. $500 SALE PENDING

T21 Buckskin/white buckling

For Sale

Dam is a 3*M with an E in mammary and positive PTI. Stout little guy with lots of bone.
$550 as a buckling
$150 as a wether

T20 Polled Sable Wether

For Sale

Sweet boy. Pack goat material. $100

T14 Polled Black/White Doeling

For Sale

Potential to be 7*M. Has 4 consecutive generations of Best in Show behind her!

T10 Gold Doeling

For Sale

Potential to be 6*M!

T8 Gold/White Doeling

For Sale

Potential to be 5*M.

T5 Blue-Eyed Polled Black/White Buckling

For Sale

Dam is on DHIR test and has the potential to be a 4*M.
$600 as a buckling
$150 as a wether

T2 Black doeling

For Sale

Valentine’s Day baby! Potential to be 6*M. $500