Welcome to Narrow Gate Farm, LLC!

We are a family-owned farm located in Tucson, Arizona. We raise show-quality, award-winning, Nigerian Dwarf and Sable dairy goats that supply us with cheese, milk, and ice cream. Our chickens provide us delicious eggs and we are blessed to explore miles of trails on horseback in Saguaro National Park West, directly off of our property.

Narrow Gate Farm participates in open goat shows, and ADGA Plus’ program, that includes DHIR milk-testing, Linear Appraisal and DNA testing. Our herd tested clean for CAE in February 2024. We had a doe on the 2021 Top Ten Breed Leader’s List.

We took 13 goats to the 2023 ADGA Nationals and came home with 10 Top Ten awards, including a Premier Youth Award and second place in Showmanship. 2023 AZ State Fair Awards: Premier Nigerian Dwarf Breeder, Premier Sable Breeder, Premier Sable Exhibitor and Best In Show! In 2024, we’ve garnered 14 Grand Champion wins, 13 Reserve Champions, 2 Best In Shows (1 for a Nigerian we bred and 1 for a Sable we bred) and 2 second places at Nationals!

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

—Matthew 7:13-14